Friday, November 7, 2008

A twist in Rajinis Robot film:

Hi guys.Rajinikanth the super star of Tamilnadu is currently doing two projects ,Robot, The Sultan Warrior ,the former of which has Aishweriya Rai as the opposite cast for Rajini.Everyone is keen to know oft he story line of rajini's robot.But the movie was taken very secretly .But cine field is like a water in a holed pot.It will always leak.In robot ,Rajini is expected to play the role of the robot.But to the surprise Aishweriya is playing the role of the robot.The news was leaked from one of the group technicians when he took photos in mobile and sent MMS to a friend from where news was released in the net.The technician was sent out of the troop .Aishweriya as robot.It is excellent to imagine.Robot is going to be a great success .No doubt in it.Have a happy time.Will meet you soon with more updates.


admin November 7, 2008 at 2:41 AM  

Definitely this film will be a big hit.